
Zombie apocalypse reality show launched and screening for BBC Three

BBC Three last year commissioned a reality television show last year where contestants will have to survive a 'Zombie attack'.

Was fantastic to get the call last September from the makers for some of our 'Zombie Extras' to appear in this new reality TV show 'I Survived A Zombie Apocalypse' launched yesterday where we see eight people trapped in a shopping centre surrounded by the walking dead and If they get bitten they will 'leave the show in a grisly style' 

The show made by 'Tiger Aspect', the company behind 'Bad Education' and 'Peaky Blinders' comes at a time when am sure a lot of you are thinking the same thing as me that reality TV as won over a drama that got cancelled in that the BAFTA award-winning 'In the Flesh' also on BBC Three was axed after its second series.

With the launch and screening yesterday at Covent Garden Hotel more news came to light and it was explained that Eight contestants will begin an apocalyptic adventure trapped together in a shopping mall, surrounded by the walking dead. The contestants must live by their wits, make difficult decisions, and use urban survival tactics. Their ultimate goal is to avoid the lethal bite of a zombie and stay alive.

During their intense stay, they will face tasks that are necessary for their survival. These tasks are potentially dangerous and will put them in close contact with the undead. The threat will be constant: one bite and they will leave the show in grisly style.

It’s a question of teamwork, as the more of them that stay alive the easier it is to thrive in a zombie-eat-human world. The Army is on its way, but how many of the contestants will have what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse?

Want to see more then check out the trailer below

See our original post about our involvement at Zombie Extras HERE